Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How To Paint Realistic Brick Structures

Reading some articles on various modelling blogs, I came across very useful tips to create a realistically painted brick surface for model buildings. I organized what I know into this post in simple steps for you modellers to keep for future projects:
  1. Mix together tan or any light shade of earthy colors acrylics, then paint the plastic to create the color for concrete mortar. As you paint, add blotches of mixed variations on the wall for variety. Then let the paint dry.
  2. Now you want to create the brick. Dry-brush very lightly on the raised brick texture on the plastic, careful not to paint into the mortar. Have many shades of red mixed in sections on your mixing surface, an egg-carton or pallet, gives a very "natural" appearance that make a very pleasing result as you paint for extreme realism.
  3. After this layer of paint dries, mix lighter shades of red, and dry-brush again to create depth.
  4. Finally weather the building using more dry-brushing acrylic scraped pastels for rust, quarry dust and coal ash, and any element of being exposed to its specific industrial location or nature's elements.
It was amazing when I tried this with the Walther's warehouse, and I recommend trying it yourself for whatever building you make. Try reading more articles in magazines and online for modelling tutorials, and it helps to study from real life. I guarantee with a bit of practice and patience, you will see amazing results.

Happy modelling! 

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